Blue Oasis Farm….Our Vision.
The Blue Oasis farm offers an extravagance of things to explore, learn & teach your children. Nothing is taken as absolute. Trying new ideas has redefined our life and has us in constant exposure to nature.
Sharing is caring and nothing can be more memorable, than the sharing of the knowledge. Nature has always taken care of us and now it’s our time to take care as not to disturb the fine balances in nature. Understanding these concepts and making other people realize this is our goal.
Life is a rat’s race where everyone struggles to be better than the other in every way. Of all the possibilities we end up sacrificing our dreams and comfort to earn better, in order to make our lives better.
Having realized that we do not want to follow that path, we started farming and found out that this helps us to live a contented life.
Knowledge is worthless unless shared, and therefore we decided to share our experience & knowledge with who so ever possible. Our aim is to introduce the age old art of agriculture to the new generation.
A healthy day’s work
A satisfied tummy
A good night’s sleep
———Who needs more??

Here in Blue Oasis it drizzles, it rains, it pours and it pours. If you enjoy rains, it is a spectacular feel, here at Blue Oasis. The earth shakes with thunder; the sky is set ablaze with lighting and then follows the rain. Rain is plentiful and marks the onset of all the activities on the farm. Springs burst out from the earth at various regions, and the whole farm is covered in green. When night falls there is another beautiful sight, –Yes right!!! A feast for the eyes- “Fireflies”. Have you ever wondered, as to how you saw a shooting star on such a cloudy night, and suddenly you spot another and yet another?
The whole sky and trees with their twinkle, make it look the Christmas has arrived early. If you are lucky enough, a firefly would get into the room and lets you enjoy its glow.
Early monsoon is the time period, that we begin sowing paddy. De weeding, ploughing and getting the field ready is a main task that follows. When possible we try to borrow the tiller from our neighbours, and ther times an old power tiller comes to our rescue.
The grain seed prepared and dispersed across the field. Then we patiently wait for the seeds to germinate. The young leaves bathe the soft drizzle and shine under the sun. Over time we see them grow tall and dance in the breeze.

Early monsoon is also a great time for harvesting many varieties of fruits on the farm.
Butter fruit (Avacado), Rambutan, Hanumaphal (sour sop), Egg fruit, Kokum, jackfruit are the pleasure for our place. We also have mangoes, guava, papaya, chikkoo (Sapota) & Gac. The passion fruit vine takes their wet season to show off its clock like flowers. Our main crops like banana, coconut and cocoa are also harvested late May to mid June.
The Phalguni river flows through the length of the Blue Oasis farm. The onset of monsoon gives new life to the river. The gushing river forms pearls of water droplets on the rock and each flow of water has its own pleasant music. The dried, deceased and dead waste from the previous season is washed away, and fertile new soil and sand is brought along with the flow. Water is great for swimming and rafting if weather permits.



Bow and arrow

Carrom and board games

Indoor and outdoor games

Play in the pool







Bird watching+ feather picking

Tree climbing

Frog watching

Mushroom foraging

Pebbles and crystal forage
Workshop to make u a farmer pls do the booking in advance.

Soap making

Candle- making

Choclate making

Basket weaving


Mat weaving

Herbal healthy products